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Archív roku 2020


Vážení učitelia, vážení lektori,

srdečne Vás pozývame na pokračovanie webinárov. Tentoraz sa zameriame na personalizáciu výučby a to v rámci webinára na tému The Road to Personalisation. Tento webinár je svojím obsahom určený pre učiteľov a lektorov angličtiny.

26. 2. 2020 od 18:00 do 19:00
Kdekoľvek s pripojením k internetu
na tému
The Road to Personalisation

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Mgr. Radka Malá: " The terrible moment when your students just stare at you blankly and say, ‘I don’t know much about this topic.’ And that’s all they have to say in the lengthy discussion you were hoping for in your meticulously prepared lesson plan. In this webinar, we’ll have a look at some simple steps to truly personalise your lessons and let your students have a say in their learning process, whether they’re adults or teens. Because every class is different, every learner is unique and there’s more to personalisation than just Find Someone Who activities."

Target group: Teens, Adults

Viac informácii o lektorke nájdete TU.

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