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Archív roku 2020

webinář 22 4 2020

Vážení učitelia, vážení lektori,

srdečne Vás pozývame na pokračovanie webinárov. Tentoraz sa zameriame na motiváciu študentov a to v rámci webináre na tému Practice Makes Perfect. Or does it?. Tento webinár je svojím obsahom určený pre učiteľov a lektorov angličtiny.

22. 4. 2020 od 18:00 do 19:00
Kdekoľvek s pripojením k internetu
na tému
Practice Makes Perfect. Or does it?


Teens, Adults

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Mgr. Radka Malá: "Have you slipped into the habit of just bringing exam sample papers to every lesson? Are you struggling to find the right balance between preparing your students for an exam and having fun in your lessons? Between teaching language and teaching exam strategy? In this seminar, we will share (and try out!) best practices on how to keep all your students motivated, whether they are working professionals with analytical minds or bored teenagers."

Viac informácii o lektorke nájdete TU.

Slovak Ventures s.r.o

Štefánikova trieda 8/15, 949 01 Nitra

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