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Zo seminárov a webinárov


The 20th P.A.R.K. conference Brno, 8/4/2017

The Write Stuff – Developing the Writing Skill (Rob Dean)
Teaching Technical English (Navot Laufner)

Using Stories in Primary School Classes (Šárka Miková)


PEARSON EDUTOUR 2017, 4-6/4/2017

Language and Culture Investigated ( Rob Dean)

Developing the Writing Skill ( Rob Dean)

Don´t forger to stretch ( Šárka Miková)

Easy and Effective ways of Learning and Teaching ( Judita Tothová)

Drama activities ( Marcela Kováčová)

English grammar is not as difficult as it may seem ( Gabriela Lojová)

Discovering the secrets of the literature (Eva Lange)

Perfekcionistický učiteľ a perfekcionistický žiak (Beata Žitniaková Gurgová)


Webinár 28/3/2017 a 30/3/2017

Same Activity - Different Task (Judita Tóthová)


Webinár 13/2/2017 a 15/2/2017

Essential Teaching principles you (might) have forgotten (Šárka Miková)

Slovak Ventures s.r.o

Štefánikova trieda 8/15, 949 01 Nitra

Slovenská republika

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