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Archív roku 2024


Kde: Online
Na tému: Effective Formative Assessment
Pre: All teachers
Typ akcie: Webinár
Dátum: 22.05.2024
Čas: 18:00 - 19:00



Vážení učitelia a lektori anglického jazyka,

srdečne vás pozývame na inšpiratívny metodický webinár s názvom "Effective Formative Assessment", ktorým vás prevedie autorka obľúbených vzdelávacích kníh Nina Lauder. Prezentácia je vedená v anglickom jazyku a po účasťi vám vystavíme certifikát.

Nina Lauder, who was born in Canada and is based in Spain, is a certified teacher trainer and an ELT and CLIL expert who has been working in the field of education for decades. She currently works as a university professor, teacher, educational consultant and materials writer. She has handled tasks in over thirty countries and has co-authored top-selling ELT and CLIL coursebooks. She has also written resource books for teachers and material for Flipped Learning. For more information, visit her website:


Videopozvánka od Niny Lauder


Webinár je akreditovaný pod hlavičkou Slovenskej komory angličtinárov SCELT.


"As teachers, we know that assessment is a critical part of education. In most cases, teachers feel comfortable assessing learners using tests and exams, but often feel less confident when it comes to assessing the learning process in itself or employing formative assessment tools. It is also important for teachers to evaluate social-emotional development in their students and to provide them with guidance on how to build on their strengths and value their progress, but how can we assess these strengths? In this session we will look at the basics of formative assessment and will investigate different ways of supporting learning through the use of distinct resources and techniques. Come along and find out ways to track learners' progress and build motivation through effective formative assessment."


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