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Archív roku 2023


Kde: Online
Na tému: Let’s get Thinking
Pre: Primary school teachers
Typ akcie: Webinár
Dátum: 13.04.2023
Čas: 18:00 - 19:00


Vážení učitelia a lektori anglického jazyka,

srdečne Vás pozývame na metodologický webinár Let’s get Thinking a to s Jeanne Perrett autorkou učebníc anglického jazyka pre mladších žiakov!

V rámci webinára bude lektorka využívať niektoré cvičenia prevzaté z novej učebnice English Code (viac informácií TU).

Jeanne Perrett has been working in the language teaching sector for forty years as a teacher, school owner, publisher and writer and is the author and co-author of many acclaimed pre-primary and primary EFL series including Yazoo, Fly High, Now I Know, Rise and Shine, English Code, and My Disney Stars and Friends. She has trained teachers all over the world and frequently presented at professional conferences. Apart from her professional experience, she draws a lot on the practical knowledge she has gained as the mother of four children and now as the grandmother of seven.



"In addition to guiding our students through a thorough syllabus of language skills, we also want to encourage them to think. How can we help them try out new thoughts, new ideas, new skills? How can we get them to feel free to abandon ideas which don’t work, learn from their mistakes and then use that experience to think again? Helping our children to widen their mental horizons isn’t just a necessity, it’s also extremely enjoyable and rewarding.In this session, Jeanne Perrett will give you practical, engaging ideas which you can use in your English classes, using examples from English Code."


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