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Pearson Eduonline 2022 : Back to School
Vážení učitelia a lektori,
chcete sa po prázdninách naladiť na nový školský rok? Pripravili sme pre Vás online konferenciu Pearson EduOnline 2022: Back to School, ktorá sa uskutoční vo forme Vami obľúbených webinárov v termíne 25. augusta 2022. Semináre sú určené pre všetkých učiteľov a lektorov, ktorí sa chcú ďalej vzdelávať a zlepšovať svoje lektorské schopnosti.
Môžete sa tešiť na zahraničných lektorov, ktorí Vás oboznámia s aktuálnymi trendami zo sveta ELT a na produktové prezentácie našich lektoriek. Na podrobný program sa pozrite nižšie, kde zároveň nájdete aj možnosť registrácie.
August 25th
15:45 - 16:00 | WELCOME and INTRODUCTION | |
16:00 - 17:00 | WEBINAR 1 |
Jeanne Perrett From knowing to doing. How can we encourage our students to be proactive in their learning? |
17.00 - 17:05 | BREAK | |
17:05 - 18:05 | WEBINAR 2 |
Vlasta Dohnalová | Judita Tóthová | Kateřina Myšáková PEARSON ENGLISH CONNECT - Interactive tools in teaching |
18:05 - 18:10 | BREAK | |
18:10 - 19:10 | WEBINAR 3 |
Vaughan Jones ‘Let’s talk about me. The power of personalisation.’ |
19:10 | RAFFLE |
Anotácie webinárov
From knowing to doing. How can we encourage our students to be proactive in their learning?
(Jeanne Perrett, Pearson)
For Primary School Teachers
A large part of our job as English language teachers is to help our students acquire knowledge and develop skills. How can we encourage them to use what they have learnt, make it relevant and meaningful to them, and understand that their learning can impact on their own lives but also those of others? On this session we will look at practical activities and ideas for the primary classroom using examples from Rise and Shine.
Pearson English Connect - Interactive tools in teaching
(Judita Tóthová, Kateřina Myšáková a Vlasta Dohnalová, Ventures Books)
For All Teachers
The best learning outcomes happen when the learning is interactive and the students are involved in it. In the webinar, we will present new digital tools to support all teaching and learning scenarios: in-class, remote and hybrid. Delivers everything you need – all in one place! No need to log into multiple tools.
‘Let’s talk about me. The power of personalisation.’
(Vaughan Jones, Pearson)
For Secondary School Teachers
In a career of over forty years in the language classroom - twenty of them writing ELT coursebooks - my co-author and I have strived to produce materials that motivate students, make language learning memorable and, above all, promote meaningful exchanges. A particularly important thread running through all our materials - including the brand new edition of FOCUS - is an emphasis on personalisation. We have always been strong advocates of tasks and activities that tap into the students’ own life experience and give them the opportunity to speak or write about their own thoughts, feelings or emotions. Personalisation is a powerful force. It helps students learn languages better. Let me tell you how.