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Archív roku 2021

product-presentation 2 3-2021


Vážení učitelia a lektori anglického jazyka,

srdečne Vás pozývame na produktovú prezentáciu s názvom Success In and Out of the Classroom, ktorá Vám predstaví novú učebnicu Focus 2nd Edition, ktorá nadväzuje na úspešnú predchádzajúcu edíciu. Prezentácia je v českom jazyku a je určená pre učiteľov stredných škôl a gymnázií.

2. 3. 2021 od 10:00 a 18:00
Kdekoľvek s pripojením k internetu
Na tému
Success In and Out of the Classroom
Teens, Adults

Registrovať sa na 10:00
Registrovať sa na 18:00


Mgr. Barbora Míková: "Focus Second Edition is an even richer version of the best-selling English language learning series for upper secondary students. The new course retains the popular features of the first edition – Word Store (a unique vocabulary building programme) and 3Ms methodology. However, it is enriched with authentic BBC video content and more thorough Use of English preparation to offer everything teachers and students need to achieve success, in and out of the classroom. With Focus Second Edition students will be strong in all language and life skills and well prepared for achieving great exam results. This session is going to explore all the different features Focus Second Edition offers to keep your students engaged and motivated."

Target group: Teens, Adults

Viac informácií o lektorke nájdete TU.

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