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Archív roku 2020

webinar 19 2 2020


Vážení učitelia, vážení lektori,

srdečne Vás pozývame na pokračovanie webinárov. Tentoraz sa zameriame na rôzne typy výuky s využitím teórie mnohonásobné inteligencie. A to v rámci webinára na tému Take advantage of Multiple intelligences, ktorý je určený pre učiteľov 1. stupňa základných škôl.

19. 2. 2020 od 18:00 do 19:00
Kdekoľvek s pripojením k internetu
Na tému
Take advantage of Multiple intelligences
Primary School Teachers

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 Mgr. Zuzana Pohlová: "How smart are you? To most, that seems like an odd question. Everyone knows a person is either smart or not, right? If you are a believer in multiple intelligences, then you disagree with the idea that a person is either smart or not. The theory of multiple intelligences (MI) suggests that every person is talented in a certain way, which is also reflected in their learning style. The theory of MI can be used very well in the language teaching of primary school pupils. In this session I will show you practical examples of activities corresponding to different kinds of learning styles. The seminar is designed for primary school teachers."

Target group: Primary School Teachers

Více informací o lektorce naleznete ZDE.

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