útorok 4. apríla 2017, 8:30 - 15:20
Congress Hotel Centrum, Južná Trieda 2A, Košice
Spoločnosť Slovak Ventures a PEARSON si Vás dovol'ujú pozvať na konferenciu v rámci 2. PEARSON EduTour 2017: Contemporary Active Teacher, ktorá sa koná v utorok 4. 4. 2017 v priestoroch Congress Hoteli Centrum. Brány konferencie pre Vás budú otvorené od 8:30. Konferencia je určená pre učiteľov angličtiny zo stredných a základných škôl a pre všetkých tých, ktorí sa chcú vzdelávať.
Konferenčný poplatok: 10 EUR, platba vopred.
Zahŕňa: • konferenčný balíček obsahujúci učebnicu
• certifikát o účasti
• 2x občerstvenie
• možnosť výhry v tombole
Anotácia seminárov:
There’s more to it than red buses and five o’ clock tea…
Language and Culture Investigated
(Rob Dean, Pearson)
Some say that it is not possible to fully appreciate a language without understanding the culture that gave rise to it. To what extent is this true? Is it relevant to focus on culture when the majority of English used in the world is between speakers of other languages? What are the problems with cultural stereotyping? These questions and more will be considered in this light hearted and hopefully entertaining look at some of the links between language and regional identity.
The Write Stuff – Developing the Writing Skill
(Rob Dean, Pearson, Teens)
Writing is often seen as the poor relation of the four skills – the one that’s left for homework because it’s not really considered a valuable thing to do in class. This session will look at some arguments in favour of using class time to develop the writing skill, and will show that far from being a boring, solitary activity, writing in class can be interactive, communicative, and even enjoyable. We will look at some approaches and activities that can be applied to develop various aspects of the writing skill.
Don’t Forget to Stretch!
(Šárka Miková, Pearson, YL)
Stretching is a very beneficial and healthy routine not only before and after your physical training but it may be also very beneficial and energy-saving routine for English teachers once you get used to in your classes. But don´t worry – you can stay sitting on your chairs as we will be talking about how to „stretch“, in other words extend and modify the exercises in the English course books with primary pupils. I am going to give you ideas how you can use other teaching aids and methods to extend the basic structure of individual course book activities so that you will get extra options for faster and brainier pupils or extra practice for those who need it. And finally you will be able to try these out personally!
Easy and Effective Ways of Learning and Teaching
(Judita Tóthová, Pearson)
Do you have problems how to attract and motivate today´s youth? Try to change everyday teaching methods for more modern and efficient ones. Our workshop offers you solutions how to integrate technology into the educational process and how to motivate students to be engaged more in their own learning. The seminar is intended for elementary and secondary school teachers who are interested in effective methods of teaching which can save their time of preparation for the lessons and provide immediate feedback on the educational process.
(Eva Lange, TT)
The literature is the important part of the language learning. It can help us to get deeper into the culture of the country, traditions and let us understand and discover some new worlds. However, many teachers would probably agree that books, reading and literature may be boring for some of the students. It is also difficult for most of the teachers to teach through the literature. This workshop looks at the ways to help teachers and students to see the literature as the important tool of language learning which does not have to be boring or difficult at all. It can be used to develop all the language skills and through creative activities to introduce not just the text but also the authors of the books.
Perfekcionistický učiteľ a perfekcionistický žiak
(Beata Žitniaková Gurgová, Pedagogická fakulta UMB)
Má túžba po dokonalosti svoje miesto aj v škole? Očakávame dokonalý výkon len od seba, alebo aj od svojich žiakov, alebo okolia? Ako sa prejavuje perfekcionizmus a aké sú jeho dôsledky pre našu prácu a osobné vzťahy? Aké sú príčiny túžby po dokonalosti? Odpovede na tieto otázky budú súčasťou interaktívnej prednášky, kde si účastníci budú môcť zistiť úroveň svojich perfekcionistických úvah a tiež sa dozvedia praktické informácie, ako perfekcionizmus zvládať u seba, ale aj u žiakov.

Rob has been involved in ELT as a teacher, director of studies and teacher trainer since 1994. During this time, he has taught a wide variety of ages and levels in numerous countries in Europe and South East Asia, and is currently based in Poland. Rob now works as an independent international teacher trainer and academic consultant, and travels widely delivering talks, workshops and seminars – as well as online webinars - to teachers all over the world.
Mgr. Šárka Miková
Šárka is a former English teacher with almost 20 years´ teaching experience to students of various levels – from preschoolers to adults. She acquired her Master´s degree in English teaching at Charles University, Prague and after several years of teaching at primary school she spent most of her professional career as a freelance teacher working for a language school and teaching her own individual and corporate students. Thanks to the variety of courses she has taught and organised she became interested in didactics and methodology of ELT and currently exploits her experience as a methodological consultant. Besides her long practical teaching experience she was also involved in production of teaching materials for video classes.
PaedDr. Judita Tóthová
Judita studied at the Faculty of Education in Nitra English language and Geography. During her nearly 30 years of practice, she worked as a teacher in primary, secondary and language schools and as a lecturer of corporate language courses as well. She also collaborated with the National Institute for Education on English language teacher training courses. She works as an ELT consultant for Slovak Ventures.
PaedDr. Eva Lange
Eva is a teacher of English for all age levels. She is the author of some methodology materials and she has been teaching university students and at the Methodology center. Furthermore, during her 10 years of practice she has been focusing on teaching English to children with learning disabilities. She also works with using speech therapy in learning English and her work is aimed at all new trends in teaching English.
PhDr. Beata Žitniaková Gurgová, PhD.
Beata pracuje na Pedagogickej fakulte Univerzity Mateja Bela v Banskej Bystrici na Katedre psychológie. Vyučuje sociálnu psychológiu a vedie sociálno-psychologické tréningy. Vo svojej vedecko-výskumnej činnosti sa zameriava na problematiku výkonovej motivácie a perfekcionizmu. V týchto oblastiach má aj viaceré publikačné výstupy. Okrem toho pôsobí ako lektorka vo vzdelávaní dospelých v kurzoch zameraných na rozvíjanie sociálnych zručností u učiteľov a tiež vo firemných školeniach.
Anotácia seminárov: