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Začiatkom mája sa v Nitre konala ďalšia z radu konferencií organizovaných Slovak Ventures v spolupráci s vydavateľstvom Pearson.

Témou konferencie boli nové tituly vydavateľstva Pearson a nové trendy vo výučbe anglického jazyka, ktoré predstavil uznávaný lektor Phil Warwick. Phil do svojej prezentácie zakomponoval okrem nových titulov aj nové formy interaktívnej výučby, ktoré by pomohli učiteľom pri vytváraní pútavých hodín. V druhej časti konferencie predstavila naša odborná konzultantka Danka Kecskésová MyEnglishLab, ktorý umožňuje komunikáciu medzi učiteľom a študentmi a výučbu angličtiny v online prostredí. Tiež predstavila učebnicu Speakout, ktorá sa stala učebnicou roka 2011 a je vytvorená špeciálne pre výučbu angličtiny pre dospelých.

Presenters and annotations:


1128-PhilWarwick-jpgPhil Warwick

Highlights for 2013

They say a good teacher never stops learning, and the same is true for publishers. Pearson have completely up-dated some of their most successful titles to include the latest trends and technology available, in the hope of giving your students a competitive edge in their language learning. In this compact little session we will look at all the latest materials from Pearson in order to keep you informed so that you make the best decision on selecting the right learning components for all your classes.


Phil is a DELTA qualified teacher and teacher trainer who has worked in ELT for over 20 years, during this time he has taught an Argentina, Brazil, China and Italy as well as the Czech Republic and England. He is currently Academic Co-ordinator for Embassy Summer in the UK, teaches for a private language school in Brno and is a teacher trainer for Pearson.

1130-keckesova-jpgMgr. Dana Kecskésová, PhD.

New trends in english language teaching

Have you ever felt annoyed with having piles and piles of workbooks to correct on your desk? Do your students lack motivation and enthusiasm to do their homework? Let's take step by step journey into MyEnglishLab online components and see how these problems could be tackled. We will take a closer look at diagnostic tools the component offers, including the Grade Book and the Common Error Report, as well as the electronic workbook. You will also get the chance to see how motivating working with MyEnglishLab is for your students. Demonstration on how easy it is to work with this component is part of the presentation.



12:30 - 13:00 Registration

13:00 - 13:15 Welcome

13:15 - 14:15 Phil Warwick - Highlights for 2013

14:15 - 14:30 Coffee break

14:30 - 15:30 Mgr. Dana Kecskésová, PhD. - MyEnglishLab - What is there for me an my students

15:30 - Consultations with speakers

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