Rad učebníc gramatiky MyGrammarLab je kombináciou tlačené knihy, online obsahu a extra cvičenia do mobilných zariadení. Anglická gramatika je vysvetlená prehľadne a zrozumiteľne a jej pochopeniu napomáhajú napríklad aj videoprednášky rodených hovorcov. MyGrammarLab je vynikajúcou voľbou pre prípravu na maturitu, prijímacie skúšky na VŠ alebo tiež na Cambridge Exams KET, PET, FCE a CAE.
- Prehľadné a zrozumiteľné vysvetlenie gramatických javov vrátane fotiek a obrázkov
- Prirodzené príklady použitia gramatických javov v kontexte
- Rozmanité typy cvičení- od drilu po individualizované cvičenia
- Vysvetlenie a príklady bežných chýb
- Úrovne zodpovedajúce špecifikáciám Európskeho referenčného rámca
Online tutorial vrátane videoprezentácií
Diagnostické testy, pravidelné Progress testy a finálne testy na konci každého modulu
Ešte viac cvičení ku každému unitu vrátane automatického známkovania a feedbacku
Cvičenia na výslovnosť
Odposluchové cvičenia z knihy s možnosťou kontroly správnych odpovedí
Prístup do online rozhranie je po aktivácii kódu možný po dobu 24 mesiacov pre študentov a 36 mesiacov pre učiteľov
• Student´s Book with key and MyLab
• Student´s BookMyLab
• Class Audio CD
How do you like MyGrammarLab?
Exellent! Easy-to-use and very effective. Learning and teaching grammar has never been more fun.What do you find most efficient in working with MyGrammarLab?
Probably the most important aspect is the grammar in context - or grammar in live language. Secondly, the "mirror method" (explanation on the first page and practice on the second page) has proved to be very successful among students and MyGrammarLab has improved it in many ways. Would you reccomend MyGrammarLab to your students/ your colleagues?
Yes, I would definitely recommend MyGrammarLab to anyone who is interested in developing their language skills at any level. Last but not least I hope that more and more teachers will be using it to accompany their lessons.
Mgr. Vladimír Tarina
Jazyková škola GO
I am very happy with the course MyGrammarLab. We have also bought the books for our students. I definitely recommend it to my colleagues!
I really appreciate the clear arrangement, well-presented grammar with examples and very nice online explanation (with native speakers and examples).
Students are excited about doing the online exercises. It is great that they are able to listen and check correct answers and do the phonetic exercises, as well.
Other advantage of working with MyGrammarLab is learning new vocabulary.
I really like the test results, percentage of successful answers and the possibility of doing the exercises again.
Thank you for the seminar where I was able to try the MyGrammarLab.
I am looking forward to participating in other event from Pearson.
Kind regards
Zdislava Smidova
Gymnazium a JS Svitavy